Based in East and West Cheshire the AAT provides services for assessment and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and ADHD treatment and medication monitoring, if required, in East Cheshire, and assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) in East and West Cheshire. The Team is not commissioned to offer post-diagnostic support for ASC, however will signpost to resources and services available in the local area.

Assessment and monitoring clinics are held at various locations in the local area, with main bases at Elm House and Space4Autism in East Cheshire and Marsden House in West Cheshire.

ADHD diagnostic assessment

The ADHD Team provides assessment to children and young people aged 6-18 years who have a GP in Cheshire East. The team accepts referrals for children and young people who have not received a previous diagnosis of ADHD. 

ADHD treatment and medication monitoring

This service is available to children and young people aged 6-18 years who have received a diagnosis of ADHD and have a GP in Cheshire East.

ASC diagnostic assessment

The ASC Team provides assessment to children and young people aged 4-18 years and who have a GP in Cheshire East, and to children and young people aged 11-16 years and who have a GP in Cheshire West. The Team accepts referrals for children and young people who have not received a previous diagnosis of ASC.

Initial enquiries are accepted from GPs, Paediatricians and Educational settings.